cURL Response


Bambora have developed a flexible and innovative platform called Checkout for delivering payments online which is device agnostic, with responsive functionality over web, tablet and all other mobile devices

This guide will provide you with all information you need in order to get started. First you should identify how you would to include the Checkout in your business.

There are two options:


Integrated Checkout allows you to embed the checkout page within your website through an iFrame. This enables your customers to make payment on your website and allows you to provide a seamless integration with Bambora through a notification of the transaction result returned back to your internal system.

1. Create a session

Firstly, the POST generated by your server is submitted to the Bambora server URL:

cURL ""
-d 'UserName=[API Username]'
-d 'password=[API Password]'
-d 'CustRef=[reference]'
-d 'Amount=[amount value]'
-d 'SessionId=[SessionId]'
-d 'SessionKey=[SessionKey]'
-d 'dl=checkout_V1_IHPP_Purchase'
-d 'ServerURL=[ServerURL]'
-d 'UserURL=[UserURL]'
-d 'AccountNumber=[Account Number]'
      <input type="hidden" name="SessionStored" value="True" />
      <input type="hidden" name="SessionStoredError" value="" />
      <input type="hidden" name="SST" value="5838f953-c600-454c-9c47-2b3499eed21a" />

There are two version of the integrated checkout page which can be configured through the DLs below:

Integrated v1 - DL=checkout_v1_purchase, which allows you to pre-populate the Amount value before launching the chekcout page.

Integrated v2 - DL=checkout_v2_purchase, which allows your customers to enter the Amount and Reference details on the chekcout page.

Session Response

The response contains a secure session token (SST).

2. Checkout Page and Transaction Processing

Great, you’re onto the next part of the sequence.

cURL ""
-d 'SessionId=[SessionId]'
-d 'SST=[Secure session token]'

Once the session is established, your backend application notifies your website which then POSTs (GET also supported) the Session ID and Secure Session Token to Bambora’s server URL - You can perform this redirection in an iFrame or just redirect the entire site.

Once the payment is submitted you should expect two responses back from Bambora.

1st response

      <input type="hidden" name="SessionId" value="WIZ201702241044133171a4c36a760e" />
      <input type="hidden" name="SST" value="d98eedec-6fe4-4ee4-84e3-9c90892389a5" />
      <input type="hidden" name="SessionKey" value="WIZKEY2bacb4ebda" />
      <input type="hidden" name="CustRef" value="your_custref" />
      <input type="hidden" name="CustNumber" value="your_custnumber" />
      <input type="hidden" name="Amount" value="1000" />
      <input type="hidden" name="Surcharge" value="" />
      <input type="hidden" name="AmountIncludingSurcharge" value="1000" />
      <input type="hidden" name="Result" value="1" />
      <input type="hidden" name="DeclinedCode" value="" />
      <input type="hidden" name="DeclinedMessage" value="" />
      <input type="hidden" name="Receipt" value="90892516" />
      <input type="hidden" name="TxDateTime" value="2017-02-24+13%3a10%3a15" />
      <input type="hidden" name="SettlementDate" value="2017-02-24" />
      <input type="hidden" name="MaskedCard" value="424242******4242" />
      <input type="hidden" name="CardHolderName" value="cardholder name" />
      <input type="hidden" name="ExpiryDate" value="08/19" />
      <input type="hidden" name="CardType" value="Visa" />

The Bambora server POSTs the response to your server using the ‘ServerURL’ as supplied by you in the session initiation. The following table lists the response values that Bambora will POST to your server. The response data should be stored in your database and made accessible to your website.

2nd response

Bambora redirects to the ‘UserURL’ as supplied in the Session Initiation request and POST’s the SessionID and SST. Your UserURL page can use these details to access the transaction results stored in your database from the first notification.

Once your UserURL page receives the transaction result, it can display the details to the customer.

And you’re done.

      <input type="hidden" name="SessionStored" value="True" />
      <input type="hidden" name="SST" value="5838f953-c600-454c-9c47-2b3499eed21a" />

Technical details

Session Initiation Request - Body Schema

Parameter Format Mandatory/Optional Description
Username Alpha/Num(32) Mandatory API Username
Password Alpha/Num(16) Mandatory API Password
Amount Numeric(10) Mandatory Amount entered in cent value e.g. $55.00 = 5500
SessionID Alpha/Num(64) Mandatory Merchant’s unique session identifier. Maintain this session identifier throughout the life of the transaction.
SessionKey Alpha/Num(512) Mandatory Generated by the merchant, can be any value e.g. random generated number, timestamp etc. The session key is to be included for security and authentication purposes. This Key should only be passed to Bambora’s server and should not be sent to your front end. Bambora will return the SessionKey to your ServerURL in the transaction response once the payment has been processed. If you do not receive a SessionKey or receive an invalid SessionKey, then this should be treated as a possible fraudulent transaction. Bambora needs to be notified of this event along with your internal teams for investigation.
ServerURL Alpha/Num(512) Mandatory This value must be Base 64 encoded. The URL of your server that Bambora will POST the first notification to including the transaction result data. If you do not require data to be sent to the ServerURL, please leave this field empty.
UserURL Alpha/Num(512) Mandatory This value must be Base 64 encoded. The URL to force the user browser to POST to; this is the second notification.
DL Alpha/Num(16) Mandatory This value is used to specify the styling and functionality Bambora should display to your customer. Please find the below DLs to initate corresponding checkout page.

AccountNumber Alpha/Num(16) Mandatory This value dictates which account the transaction will be processed through. If this value is not populated, the transaction will be processed to the account tied to the username field.
CustRef Alpha/Num(64) Mandatory A reference for the transaction sent by you for reporting purposes.
CustNumber Alpha/Num(64) Mandatory An additional reference for the transaction sent by you for reporting purposes.
Email Alpha/Num(64) Optional An additional reference for the transaction sent by you for reporting purposes. Please note Bambora can enable this field to send an email receipt to the email address entered in this field. Please contact Bambora if you require this service.
Reference1 Text(32) Optional This field name can be changed to something more suitable to your company for example “AccountID”. Please advise if you wish to change it. An additional reference that can be sent by you for reporting purposes e.g. a customer identifier unique to your system. This will be available to view and download with the transaction details in our reporting tool, Backoffice.
Reference2 Text(64) Optional This field name can be changed to something more suitable to your company for example “AccountID”. Please advise if you wish to change it. An additional reference that can be sent by you for reporting purposes e.g. a customer identifier unique to your system. This will be available to view and download with the transaction details in our reporting tool, Backoffice.
Reference3 Text(128) Optional This field name can be changed to something more suitable to your company for example “AccountID”. Please advise if you wish to change it. An additional reference that can be sent by you for reporting purposes e.g. a customer identifier unique to your system. This will be available to view and download with the transaction details in our reporting tool, Backoffice.
Reference4 Text(1024) Optional This field name can be changed to something more suitable to your company for example “AccountID”. Please advise if you wish to change it. An additional reference that can be sent by you for reporting purposes e.g. a customer identifier unique to your system. This will be available to view and download with the transaction details in our reporting tool, Backoffice.
Reference5 Text(1024) Optional This field name can be changed to something more suitable to your company for example “AccountID”. Please advise if you wish to change it. An additional reference that can be sent by you for reporting purposes e.g. a customer identifier unique to your system. This will be available to view and download with the transaction details in our reporting tool, Backoffice.
UserDeclinedURL Alpha/Num(512) Optional Bambora offer the ability to have a cancel button on your chekcout page. By default this page will redirect to the UserURL. If you wish this button to redirect to a different page other than the UserURL, you can specify the UserDeclinedURL in this field. If your customer selects the cancel button on the checkout page, the page will be redirected to the declined URL. Please note if you send a value in this field, all responses for declined transactions will be sent to this URL including cancelled transactions and transactions which have been declined by the bank.

Session Initiation Response - Body Schema

Parameter Format Description
SessionStored Alpha/Num(64) Value that can be either True or False
SessionStoredError Alpha/Num(256) Textual description of the error. This field will only be populated if the SessionStored value is False.
SST Alpha/Num(64) Secure Session Token. This field will only be populated if the SessionStored value is True.

Checkout Page Request- Body Schema

The following table lists the values that your application forces the customer’s browser to POST/GET to Bambora.

Parameter Format Description
SessionId Alpha/Num(64) Merchant’s unique session identifier. Defined by the merchant in the session initiation request.
SST Alpha/Num(64) Secure Session Token. This field will only be populated if the SessionStored value is True.

1st Checkout Page Response - Body Schema

The following table lists the response values that Bambora will POST to your server.

Parameter Format Description
Result Numeric(1) 0 = Declined
1 = Approve
2 = In progress
3 = Session Expired
Receipt Numeric(8) The Bambora receipt number generated for this transaction.
DeclinedCode Alpha/Num(5) Declined code interprets the error message.
DeclinedMessage Alpha/Num(256) Reason message for declined.
SST Alpha/Num(64) The Secure Session Token.
SessionKey Alpha/Num(64) The session key submitted by you only to Bambora in the session initiation request.
SessionId Alpha/Num(64) Merchant unique session identifier.
MaskedCard Alpha/Num(16) The masked credit card number. This will show first 6 and last 4 digits of card number. E.g. 123456*****4321.
ExpiryDate Alpha/Num(5) The credit card expiry date. Format: MM/YY
CardHolderName Alpha/Num(64) The credit card expiry date. Format: MM/YY
CardType Alpha/Num(16) E.g. MasterCard, Visa.
CardSubType Alpha/Num(64) A value can be passed back giving further details on the card. This field is only returned if you have the CardSubType functionality enabled.
TxDateTime Alpha/Num(19) The transaction date/time. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS E.g. 2018-01-20 18:32:30.
CustNumber Alpha/Num(64) An additional reference for the transaction sent by you for reporting purposes.
CustRef Alpha/Num(64) Merchant Reference for the transaction.
Amount Numeric(10) Transaction amount in cent value e.g. $55.00 = 5500. This is the originally submitted amount and does not include any surcharge amount that may have been applied by Bambora.
Surcharge Numeric(10) Surcharge amount applied to the transaction in cent value. This is only populated if surcharging is enabled on your account.
Totalamount Numeric(10) Transaction amount plus surcharge amount applied to the transaction in cent value. This is only populated if surcharging is enabled on your account.
SettlementDate Alpha/Num(64) The settlement date of the transaction returned in the following format YYYY-MM-DD.
Reference1 Alpha/Num(32) Additional optional reference submitted by you in the transaction request.
Reference2 Alpha/Num(64) Additional optional reference submitted by you in the transaction request.
Reference3 Alpha/Num(128) Additional optional reference submitted by you in the transaction request.
Reference4 Alpha/Num(256) Additional optional reference submitted by you in the transaction request.
Reference5 Alpha/Num(1024) Additional optional reference submitted by you in the transaction request.

2nd Checkout Page Response - Body Schema

The following table lists the values that Bambora will POST to your server when redirecting to your UserURL.

Parameter Format Description
SessionId Alpha/Num(64) Merchant’s unique session identifier. Defined by the merchant in the session initiation request.
SST Alpha/Num(64) The Secure Session Token. Provided by Bambora in the session initiation response.


Standalone Checkout is a low touch integration, providing an secure checkout page through a separate URL. Transactions are processed in real-time and the response displayed back to the customer. There is not redirect back to your business but the transaction result can be viewed through your reporting facility,Backoffice.

Standalone v1

If you wish to pre-populate the Amount on the page, you can use our Standalone v1 to capture your customers’ card details.

Sample URL

cURL ""
-d 'a=85569861'
-d 'accountnumber=[AccountNumber]'
-d 'amount=[AmountValue]'
-d 'dl=Checkout_v1_hpp_purchase'
-d 'Custref=[CustRef]'
-d 'CustNumber=[CustNumber]'

Standalone v2

If you require your customers to enter the Amount and Reference on the page, you can use our standalone checkout v2.

Sample URL

cURL ""
-d 'a=85569861'
-d 'accountnumber=[AccountNumber]'
-d 'dl=Checkout_v2_hpp_purchase'

Test payments using checkout

To make a payment using the checkout interface following details need to be provide in the test payment: